Summary of Requirements For Long-Term Bermuda Residents
To Obtain British Citizenship

1. Five years of residence, which is most easily demonstrated by home ownership.


2. No immigration restrictions during the year prior to filing for British citizenship.  (The Residential Certificates granted to home-buyers by Bermuda Immigration have been accepted as not subject to time restriction.  See legal opinion of Laurie Fransman, paragraph 4.)


3. No more than 450 days absent during the five-year period, and no more than 90 days during the year prior to filing for British citizenship, although exceptions may be granted for business travel.  (See Fransman, paragraph 5.)


4. Good character (no criminal record).  (See Fransman, paragraph 5.)


5.  The British citizenship application may be filed at the Home Office in London if the applicant is in the UK at the date of the application, or with the Governor of Bermuda.  (See Fransman, paragraphs 7- 9.)

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